What is the metaverse and what is the computecoin mission ?

4 min readFeb 3, 2022

Microsoft has announced that it is working on building an enterprise metaverse, but what does it truly mean? The Metaverse as an idea has existed for quite a while.
The term was used in “Snow Crash,” where people go to escape the dreary totalitarian reality of the real world they live in.
It is somewhere machines put us after we’ve become their slaves, so they can use us to generate
electricity. Perhaps not the first idea you would want Silicon Valley to take inspiration from when it comes to their own visions of the future.
However, it’s a concept that we’ve been building towards since the emergence of the Internet, social media, virtual reality, and early attempts at creating shared digital environments such as Second Life.
Zuckerberg has described his conception of the metaverse as the Internet from the inside out, rather than just looking at it, which gives us some clues about how he’s approaching it.

The reason we are having genuine discussions about the metaverse now is that a few key innovation patterns have arrived at a degree of development where they will be up for the undertaking. One of these is certainly virtual reality.

Facebook has invested heavily in VR since acquiring headset manufacturer Oculus in 2014. It has made no secret of the fact that it doesn’t see the future of VR as being confined to the walled garden of gaming and education environments where it’s most commonly found today.
The eventual goal is to fuse VR’s ability to create virtual environments with the power of social media to create shared online spaces. This has been tried before.

There are plenty of VR apps that allow socialising with friends, for example, but within a metaverse, the difference is that users won’t necessarily be limited to the narrow range of functionality that the app has been created for, for example, chatting or playing a game together. Instead, players should
be able to virtually do anything they might want to do.

The key here is building a recreated world that model, but much of our current circumstances and reality could reasonably be expected to change a bit, like the world created in the science fiction adventure film “Ready Player One.” For example, walking into a VR tennis court and picking up
tennis records is already perfectly possible for two players to play a game of VR tennis, as seen in a number of VR video games today.

What if they don’t want to play tennis, though? They might decide that they could have more fun chasing each other around the cord trying to bash each other’s avatars with their records, or digging up the tennis court and building a basketball court instead, or just leaving the court and going to
watch a concert or do some work in the virtual office.
And what would computecoin mission is to make global, distributed computing and storage power the fuel for the metaverse available for everyone to access, use and exchange, computecoin comes
fully loaded with functionality. The platform aims to build a robust metaverse ecosystem by leveraging Computecoin’s underlying layers: PEKKA and the metaverse Computing Protocol (MCP).
Computecoin will put decentralized computing power at users fingertips in the easiest, most affordable way yet. The project also aspires to give developers and teams the computing resources they need to build metaverse applications that transcend today’s limits.
So the metaverse is that it should cater to emergent user behaviour rather than being constrained or billed for one specific purpose, like VR tennis simulation or collaborative working environments like Slack or teams. Metaverse doesn’t need to be limited to one platform as long as there’s a shared continuous experience.

Metaverse Live might take you from an immersive VR environment to 3D environments rendered on a conventional flat screen to 2D applications on your mobile phone. Depending on what you want to do, the significant component is that there’s a coherence among exercises and conditions as far as the client experience is concerned, and you control it. Everyone seems to agree that avatars will be a core part of the metaverse experience.
For my vision of being in the environment, there has to be some form of digital avatar of you for others to interact with on Facebook and other social media platforms. Your profile picture acts as your avatar in the metaverse. It might be a 3D representation of you in a game or fantasy.

In a metaverse environment, it might be anything you can imagine, but an important principle is that this avatar or some element of it will be able to move across and between different areas of the metaverse and be recognisable as you no matter what you’re doing or what platform you’re using.

They aren’t just improvements to technology; that means the idea of the metaverse is moving closer to reality since the start of the pandemic.

Many people have increasingly found themselves living their lives online. We’ve become increasingly used to working, shopping and socialising digitally.


